Most of my schoolmates and friends knew that I actually have hair drop problem. I’ve been suffering and worrying about this problem since form 5 and most probably it was caused by SPM stress.
之后,我开始染头发做造型,还去拍戏拍节目,也参与很多专业造型拍摄,头皮终于都被造型师刮伤了,发量渐渐变得越来越少。即使有使用生发水,我的头发问题依然没有得到改善,头发一直不断地变长,却不会变厚。慢慢地,我的发量越来越少,而且生出来的头发都很细也很容易断。 于是,我决定采取进一步的行动去解救我的发量问题。
之所以选择韬针灸医药中心,是因为我之前在报纸和不少网站都有看过有关这个针灸中心的报导,原来他们已经成功治愈了许多患有奇难杂症的病人,他们也特别擅长于治疗西医也无法医好的自闭症、过动症等等。除了头发疾病之外,这里连爱美的女生比较在乎的丰胸、皮肤疗程都有,比起动手术去整容,其实针灸的安全性很高,而且没有副作用。 当然,我比较相信有经验的师傅。 韬医师在针灸、配药方面已经有21年的经验,让我比较安心。
Eventually, my hair drop problem is getting worse since I’ve dyed my hair and carried out a lot of shooting job so I decided to seek for treatment. The reason that I choose acupuncture is mainly because it will not bring any side effects to us and I can see the results faster. The Tole Medical Centre is also very popular and well-known in the field of acupuncture. I’ve read through all the reports of them from local newspaper and I also found out the Sifu aka Master, Mr Leong Hong Tole has been working hard in the field of acupuncture for more than 20 years and he has also successfully cured a lot of patient who endured the pain from many different kind of cancer, autism and other diseases with the miracle way – Acupuncture.
这一天,我来到了MENARA KH,韬针灸医院中心就位于这栋大楼的二楼。这里的规模很大,据说这是他们新开的KL BRANCH,然而已经有不少的客人都在等着拿药和看诊。
The Tole Medical Centre just located at the second floor of Menara KH, nearby monorail hence it’s quite convenience for the patients to take public transport to somewhere else after visiting the Master. As we can see, even though it’s a new branch, there are still a lot of people sitting outside to wait for consultation.
过后他就很认真地为我把脉和看我的舌头 。结果就连我平时很少留意的小毛病都被他一下子指出来了,原来我心火躁,就是指我平时吃太多麻辣的食物,会导致我的生理不平衡,晚上也会容易失眠,脾气也会暴躁。 所以我决定戒掉这些坏习惯。
Finally, it’s my turn. I was really nervous that time. While checking up my body, the Master has also asked me a lot of questions and observed my tongue to understand my situation and find the ways to solve my problems. He suggested me not to eat too much fried or spicy food, it’s not good to our health and it may cause hormone imbalance and insomnia to us. I’ve decided to throw away all the bad habits!
接下来,韬师傅亲自为我针灸,这些穴位都能帮助促进血液循环,使头皮的部分可以快点吸收草药的药力。正常来说,只要每个星期都有定时针灸,身体很多的毛病都能痊愈。 本来我真的很怕,这是我人生第一次针灸,我很怕一刺进头皮就会见血!但是...刺进去以后,我才发现一点都不痛,师傅的技术真的很好!之后还插电,让我全身都微微震起来,很舒服 =D就这样过去了四十分钟,整个过程我都感到很轻松,身体的压力也被释放了出来。
Here we started our acupuncture session! Acupuncture can actually improve our blood circulation effectively and can cure a lot of diseases and sickness. To be frank, I was super afraid of the tiny needles! I was so worried that if it hurts my head or make me bleeding non-stop! Luckily the Master is very professional and has a really good skill in acupuncture! I felt painless even after they’ve inserted the tiny needles into some parts of my body. The whole session was very relaxing!

Before going home, they’ve given me the Chinese medicine that specially modulated by the master. I think it’s pretty good because after I started consuming it, I could finally sleep well and rest well. Few days later, I found that a lot of baby hair has grown up on my head. The results are quite obvious and I’m truly happy for it. I’ve decided to continue my acupuncture treatment in The Tole medical centre until it fully solves my problem.
最令我意外的是,韬针灸医药中心的规模虽然真的很大,不过费用却非常经济合理。如果你对于你的身体状况有许多不确定,或许身边的小孩有着异常的状况,就别再拖,能够尽早就医就能尽早复原。可以先去浏览他们公司的Official 网站和电邮他们以查询更多详情。
Surprisingly, the rates for acupuncture services are very affordable although they are using very advanced model of equipment and providing us the best environment. If you are having problems with your health, or if you ever find that your children are having any problems, don’t wait till the problem is getting serious, just cure it as soon as possible. You can check out their website for more details:
Official Website:
Tel: 603-21418370 / 603-21451671
Fax: 603-27326878
Email address:
Full Address:THE TOLE ACUPUNCTURE-HERBAL MEDICAL CENTRE SDN BHD , Lot 2.01, 2nd Floor, Medical Specialist Floor, Menara KH (Menara Promet), Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur
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